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New Way for Parents to Find Relevant Reviews

Updated: Apr 8

Exciting news - we're stoked to let you know that the new feature we've been working on, which links reviews to the ages of the kids, is finally up and running on the FunDay site.

What's the deal? Well, now when you're leaving a review for an activity, you can also mention the ages and genders of your kids. Because let's face it, one kid might totally love something while another, well, not so much.

This little tweak is going to make a big difference. It'll help us fine-tune our matching and search functions by age and location.

Imagine this - once we've got a bunch of reviews, we'll roll out a smart search where you can hunt down activities based on your desired neighborhood and your kids' ages and find the most relevant activities instead of going activity by activity and try to analyze the reviews. Pretty neat, huh?

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